The W.A.D.E.L. Model in Action

The W.A.D.E.L. Model in Action

I have seen the W.A.D.E.L. model work in one industry after another. Let me share with you an example of the W.A.D.E.L. model in action at a bank. What W.A.D.E.L. Stands For The W.A.D.E.L. is a simple model that helps you conduct meetings effectively. The W stands for...

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Steps to Personal Growth

Steps to Personal Growth

I want to give you a tool about how to do a self-assessment and to make steps to personal growth, to be able to take a look at any area in your life where you might be able to say if you could just change that one thing, it would impact your life.   We need...

Self-Identity T-Charts

Self-Identity T-Charts

Let’s take a few moments and think about whether we have anything in our self-identity we might want to change and if we have anything in our thought processes that we might want to change. Let’s talk about how we examine ourselves to do that.   One of the...

Self-Handicapping Statements

Self-Handicapping Statements

Let’s talk about something called self-handicapping statements. Let me ask a question: Is it possible that we make statements that might handicap us before we even try something?   You might be asking what a self-handicapping statement is. It is a public declaration...

Personal Responsibility

Personal Responsibility

As we spend time together in pursuit of becoming a transformational leader, I think one thing is clear and the research confirms what we have learned. That is that each of us is responsible for three things. No one else is responsible for these except us.  ...


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