Inner Core, Core, Lean-Inners, and Lean-Outers
Every organization I've ever owned, consulted with, or been involved with in some other way – whether businesses, schools, families, governments, or churches – has had four distinct groups of people. When you understand these four groups and how they impact the...
VSTTEELE and High Performing Teams
What makes a high-performing team or what we call a stage five team? The first element is high individual performers and number two is healthy relationships. Many times, we as leaders have people on our teams who are not performing at high levels or who have unhealthy...
WADEL: Meeting Interaction
As we continue to talk about organizational leadership, an important aspect of that is knowing how effective communication can help leaders transition themselves and their teams into organizational structure and organizational development and to see how those two...
Using the WADEL Model with a Banker
Sometimes we get told by different people your “stuff” won’t work in our industry, that Transformational Leadership just doesn’t work in the real world. We’ve been told that a number of times, but we’ve worked with so many industries and we’ve seen it work in one...
How To Bring About Discipline
Looking at Your Team Let’s think about your organization being divided up into four quadrants. One quadrant holds those team members who are high individual performers with healthy relationships. That’s the quadrant you want everyone to be in. The next quadrant...