Ford Taylor Talks Conflict Resolution (Podcast Episode)

Ford Taylor Talks Conflict Resolution (Podcast Episode)

Conflict isn’t bad; conflict without resolution is bad. Conflict plus resolution leads to success and growth. If we are in a relationship with people, we are going to have some conflict. Listen to this episode to hear tips on how to properly resolve conflict....

Organizational Models, Part 2

Organizational Models, Part 2

Before we even start, let me say something. You may be feeling that you’ve heard this information about organizational models before. You might be thinking all this stuff is information-overload and just uses a lot of words. My guess is I might be feeling that way,...



Let’s talk about our self-identity and what that means for us as transformational leaders. Whether you see yourself as a leader or a follower, our self-identity impacts us in powerful ways. So what is our self-identity? How do we become who we are? How do we identify...


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