Thoughts, Feelings, Actions

Thoughts, Feelings, Actions

Have you ever wished you could change yourself so that you didn’t think the thoughts you were thinking? Have you ever wanted not to feel sad or depressed or angry or hurt? Do you ever regret some action you took and wished you had thought before you did that? The...
Personal Feedback

Personal Feedback

As transformational leaders who continue to look at and examine ourselves, here’s a question. Do you feel that all personal feedback is relevant? I’m not talking about something you read in the paper or something you watch on television, but about feedback that comes...
The Social Covenant and How to Approach Others

The Social Covenant and How to Approach Others

When conflict enters any organization—that is, any time two or more people are in relationship—it not only makes it difficult relationally, but it can also cause the organization to underperform. A tool that we in Transformational Leadership call the social covenant...